Unlimited Next Day Delivery For 1 Year
  • Absolutely zero shipping fees
  • No minimum spend needed
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Tired of waiting for your packages to arrive?
Had enough of paying shipping fees for every single order you make?

Great news! For just RM49, you get to enjoy a year’s worth of membership to ZALORA NOW, where we’ll deliver EVERY order straight to your doorstep by the very next working day*! Yes, this means
  • Absolutely zero shipping fees**
  • All your fashion needs fulfilled quickly and effortlessly
  • No minimum spend needed to obtain free shipping
So whether you’re buying a pair of dazzling earrings worth RM30 or an evening dress that costs upwards of S$100, we’ll make sure you’re ready to hit the streets in record time. Don’t wait any longer, get your ZALORA NOW subscription now!

*For orders placed before the 9pm cut-off time
**Only for retail orders